Monday, March 2, 2009

A Big Welcome From Bloom'en Nutrition


I wanted to personally welcome you to Bloom’en Nutrition. My name is Rebecca and I’m the founder and mother of Bloom’en Nutrition, not to mention the proud mommy of Ella, my 18 month old daughter whose pregnancy inspired this very company.

We believe Bloom’en has a developed a fresh approach to nutrition by making dietary supplements for women, by women, that are efficious and take into consideration a women’s sensibilities. I’ve worked in the dietary supplement industry for over 10 years but it wasn’t until I was pregnant with Ella that I realized there was a need no one was addressing, the delivery form of prenatal vitamins. When your pregnant you are often queasy, your gag reflex is heightened, your appetite is unpredictable, yet you are expected to swallow pills 10 times the size of an aspirin - YIKES.

I personally experienced this very issue, along with a big dose of guilt. I worked in the dietary supplement industry. I knew how important prenatal vitamins were to the development of my baby yet I couldn’t swallow those huge pills and then, when I did, they’d often make me feel worse or in the case of fish oils (EPA/DHA) I’d burp them up the rest of the day, YUCK! It was a nightmare!!

After lamenting (well, complaining) one too many times, my husband inspired me, ”Rebecca, you have the contacts, the tools and the technology you need to create a product that addresses these issues, quit complaining and make the prenatal vitamin you need. If you need it other women do too!” So, here we are with our first product - Citrus Ginger Bloosoms. This product focuses on those nutrients that are most important while pregnant: Folic Acid, EPA/DHA, Vitamin D3 and Lutein (but you don’t have to be pregnant to enjoy Bloosom’s, hese nutrients are good for all women no matter their life stage). You can learn more about these essential nutrients and Bloossom’s product on our website,

I’ve enjoyed posting my first blog! I’m sure there will be many more to come as I chronicle my experiences with the birth of Bloom’en Nutrition. If you happen to be Natural Products Expo West next week in Anaheim please stop by and visit us at booth 2593. It is our first trade show so we’ve been frantic trying to get everything prepared for what is basically our coming out party. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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